Thursday, March 10, 2005

I'm almost ashamed??

The New York Times > AP > Arts > 50 Cent and the Game Call a Truce: "I'm almost ashamed "

While perusing all of my headlines this morning, I was happy to see that fidty and game decided to kiss and make up. You know, because it's so easy to do that once gun shots have been fired! Geeze.

  1. What the hell does "I'm almost ashamed to have participated..." mean? What a joke. Nice comment in front of the kids, Game.
  2. Why the hell did game make his check out for $103,500.?? Was that all the money left in the charitable donations fund, Game?
  3. "They don't benefit on a business level to be associated with violence." - Riiiiight. I'm with the writer of the column...this is so totally a media blitz to get us to buy Fidty's new album (and it appears to be working. mwahahaha.)

OK, off to the next article of the morning...

Tuesday, March 08, 2005

snow hurts!

This texas girl left her high 60's low 70's temperatures to come work in NYC for a few days. Technically i was supposed to work monday and tuesday...but then a client had another view point on the matter. They decided my day i took off would work better for them. So i trekked to their offices on Friday.

That left me with taking tuesday as my day off. Well guess what...i was able to leave the house once today (prior to the blizzard) to get a hair cut. The salon was about 7 blocks away and while i was in there getting my awesome NY haircut (i'm heading back to texas all tricked out) the snow storm came. By the time I trudged back to my brother's hair looked less tricked out and more like a crazy mop.

That snow was pelting my face and the wind was pushing me backwards...geeze. So much for thinking of snow as something soft and billowy. Not so much in this case.

Now i'm receiving phone calls from the airline warning me of flight delays. Let's hope I get out of here tomorrow morning. I'd hate to think i'd have to miss work tomorrow! wink, wink.