Monday, May 14, 2007

the beatles are HUGE!

Sometimes when i'm driving past Huntsville, TX i bury my head in my hands in disbelief of the monstrous statue of Sam Houston. Who would ever think it a good idea to make something so large and obnoxious. It plays right into the stereotype of Texans. Well yesterday I happened upon the Sam Houston statue artist's warehouse. He's currently in the middle of a 'president's heads' project that will be a part of a new master planned community.

I noticed all of the president's heads and decided to stop the car and snag a few shots. Well, I turned the corner once i entered the fenced area, and I was in awe of the site above! Yes, that is an extended crane resting right up behind Ringo on the drums.

I'll just say that i'm all for statues of the Beatles being this obnoxiously large. I guess my issues with the Sam Houston statue is something other than its size...
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