Friday, December 09, 2005

Wishing Well

This was me wishing for a speedy return home!

Best Under Pressure

I’ve come up with a new packing strategy. Throw away as much as possible. I’ve accumulated quite a stack of magazines…they will be tossed. All of the tiny travel size items, they are getting tossed. Hopefully nothing important falls into the line of fire. I worked on the packing again this morning and I think I can make it work.

I bought some tulip bulbs that have the seal of approval for entry into the states. I hope that wasn’t a scam, otherwise Joni will be waiting for me at the airport Cell Phone lot for quite a while. Joni, if I’m walking with a limp when I get out of the airport, Customs probably got a hold of me.

I’m back in the office by myself today. The others headed back to London for the Christmas party. I hope my secret santa recipient appreciates the furry handcuffs from Amsterdam!

OK, back to work for me. I’m on a roll today wrapping everything up!

I’ll leave you with more things I miss:
Crown Royal
My awesome friends
Wednesday nights with my friends
Thursday nights with my friends
Friday nights with my friends…you get the picture.
My new Madonna CD
Luke and those other Hammers

Thursday, December 08, 2005

Almost Home Vrije

I finally found the cause of my morning headaches I’ve been having.  The coffee machine at the hotel is in dutch and it turns out that the word ‘Vrije’ means free.  As in – caffeine free coffee.

It’s really quite simple if I would have just taken the time to sound it out.  The ‘V’ is a hard F sound and phonetically it sounds exactly like free if I had paid any  attention.  I had started wondering if my caffeine addiction was so bad now that I needed two cups of coffee before it would go away.  Turns out the second cup was really the first one that had caffeine in it here at the office.

We are laughing quite a bit in the office.  The new girl has to use her electronic translator quite a bit to keep up with our conversations.  The funniest exchanges are between Liu and Corrie.  Corrie refers to everything as a Wee Bit of something…”it’s a wee bit of a problem”  or “the numbers are a wee bit off”  Liu asks her after every sentence “what’s a weebit number?”  or “what kind of a problem is a weebit problem?”  Francis and I spend a lot of time holding our laughs in.  They talk in circles constantly.

I’ve carried my camera to the office with me today so that I can get some pics of everyone I’m talking about.  I made an attempt at starting to pack this morning…it’s going to be quite the challenge.  Everyone cross your fingers that they are not working on the train tracks this Saturday so that I can ride a direct train to the airport.  I had a hard time with my bags on the way down here with all of the connections I had to make between trains and busses.

Here’s a list of things I’m tired of/miss:
Frizzy hair
No Cokes
Not Cooking – I really miss cooking!
No Shopping
No xmas cards being mailed to me
Not Driving
My ipod (I forgot it in New York – tragic)
My magazine subscriptions
Ice in my drinks

Here is a list of things I will miss when I’m gone:
Long, laid back dinners
“Go Go” the bird
The cheeses – yum!
My new friends
Practicing Dutch words at lunchtime
Good beers
The architecture
The canals
Walking conveniently instead of driving (I know, I contradict myself)

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

United Nations

Sungard has the united nations working here at the client currently.  There’s me (very obviously American), the Scottish girl, the Chinese Girl, and Francis who is Nigerian but now calls Geneva, Switzerland home.

Francis is very cool, he was here with me a few days last week as well.  He is about to hang up his work cap and head off to Barcelona to get his MBA degree.  He’s very interesting to talk to.

The Scot just got back from a project in Singapore.  She was only home in London for 12 hours prior to having to catch a flight to this project.  They were working from 7am to 2am each day in Singapore…she really needs a break.

The Chinese girl is attached to me like glue.  I cannot understand it.  Twice now while walking she has interlocked her arm into mine.  I have not witnessed her doing this to the Scottish girl…I find it very uncomfortable and quite strange.  Twice now I’ve walked straight toward a pole so that she has to let go.  Now I keep my arms tight down to my side while walking so that she does not have the opportunity to interlock arms at all.

She also walks at exactly the same speed as me.  I’ve been running some tests and when I slow down, she slows down…when I speed back up, she speeds back up.  I just can’t shake her.   She also walks right next to me.  I start veering out to the right, next thing I know she’s right next to me again hitting my arms.  So weird.  I do not like it.  A girl needs her personal space, you know?

The work days are getting much longer here, but the end is coming up very quickly.

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Smarty Pants

Two new girls from Sungard joined the project yesterday.  I’ve met one of them a few times.  Her name is Corrie and she is Scottish.  Her accent is great.  The other girl is brand new to Sungard.  She is a young girl from China.  She’s working on her masters in some sort of quantitative finance field that makes my head hurt.  She’s here shadowing to learn the product Corrie works with.

She sat next to me yesterday evening and asked me to explain what I had been doing for the day.  I gave her the quick synopsis showing her how I was tying out numbers.  After a bit more explanation on my part she asked some question that sounded like “OH, do they independently determine the blah, blah, blah, blah, techno quantitative blah of the blah?”  To which I answered “Oh, and if you click this button…it creates a copy!  Isn’t that cool!?!”  I have no idea what kind of question she asked me, and the fact that the question before that one was “can you tell me what reconciliation means?”  well, I was thrown for a bit of a loop (or a Wee bit of a loop, as the Scottish girl would say).  Cute girl, but she’s a bit too smart for her own good in my opinion.  I think I’ll take her out drinking tonight.  Ha, just kidding.

I was a Wee bit of a bad host last night.  We ended up working too late, our computers were trying to explode.  They start popping up legal warnings after 6pm that you are breaking the law by working that late.  Well we tried leaving at 7pm and we couldn’t get out of the gates.  We had to stand outside in the cold for about 15 minutes.  The gate then magically opened on its own…I’m not sure why still, but I didn’t stick around to try and figure it out.  Today I’ve requested longer access hours on my security key.

After the gate incident I took them to a restaurant that I hadn’t been to yet.  I found a chicken dish on the menu!  I was so excited.  So I told them that I was planning to order the chicken meal!  It was then that little Liu pointed out that it was on the children’s menu.  See, way too smart for her own good.  Why is the only chicken dish in town only available on the children’s menu?  WHY?  I have seen chickens here, I know there are plenty of them.  Why can’t I get a chicken breast for dinner?!?

As you can probably tell from my lack of complaints this week, it has warmed up a Wee bit.  I was able to make up two new outfits this week so far!  It is a good week.  I didn’t have to select from sweaters number 1-5 to decide what to wear the last two days.  It’s great.

Monday, December 05, 2005

My favorite Beer

This is my favorite beer...Brugge Tripel. I treated myself to a pint glass souvie when I went to Brugge. Grady asked me about Bavaria i decided to set out and do some research on it. I agree Grady, a very tasty beer. The funny thing is that Jenn sent me off with photocopies of her travel journal for the countries i'd be visiting. She also mentioned Bavaria beer in her journal. Peter and my other friends here (both of them) say it is one of their favorites as well. So you've chosen a great beer to like Grady...but try Brugge Tripel if you haven't yet!

Tour de Belgium

Peter picked me up from the hotel Sunday morning at 9am. It’s the first time that I didn’t even have to walk to the car that would be driving me somewhere. Quite the treat. He had packed snacks and drinks and more of the gross drop candies. I gave them one more shot, and I think they tasted worse than the first time I tried them. I’ll be sure to put some in each of your stockings.

We took off through the 4 mile tunnel and headed to Brugge. I found another lighthouse on the way…Peter graciously stopped for that…but I decided not to bother him with yet another windmill picture. I also made him stop so I could get photos of perhaps the largest horse (could have been part elephant, I’m still not sure) I’ve ever seen. Something close to a Clydesdale (sp?).

We made it into Brugge after asking an old man out wandering which direction to go…then we used my handy compass. It’s so easy to get around in these countries…they have signs point in the direction of every little town. I’m really not sure why we stopped to ask for directions.

Brugge is beautiful. Definitely the best city I’ve been to. The canal bridges are lined with ivy. I can’t say enough about the architecture…so amazing. The buildings are outstanding. The city square (markt) was turned into an ice skating rink…so pretty. Sinter Klaus came this weekend here. He comes on December 5th (but I guess they celebrate the nearest Saturday from what I can gather…it must help the last minute shoppers out since nothing would be open any other day).

I ate a Belgium waffle with hot caramel, tried one of their hot dogs, then I had pancakes. I felt like a kid at a carnival. It started raining while we were there so we got in the car and decided to head off east in Belgium. The next stop was Gent (pronounced Hint). It was another quaint town, but a little bit larger than Brugge (or more commercial is maybe the right word). We didn’t spend a whole lot of time there, it was still raining pretty good. Then we shot off to Antwerp. We walked all around the city…through the diamond market. It’s world famous for the diamond industry there.

We ate at an Egyptian place for dinner. The shwarma was very good. After that we headed back for Middelburg. I was shocked that the drive back only took us an hour. It seemed like we had traveled so far away. I was back at my hotel by 7pm after a day of visiting 3 cities in a different country! It was awesome.

Pay attention on Trains

My Friday wasn’t one of the best days I’ve had so far, so I basically went straight to the hotel from work and stayed inside the room the whole night.  I set the alarm for an early wake up to head to off to Amsterdam.  The trip was a 3 hour train ride, that I tried my hardest to turn into a longer ride.  I had one change I needed to make and the combination of being in a bit of a daze from Friday and having my head buried in a Sudoku puzzle made me miss the stop I needed to get off at.  It also made me miss the announcement (or not understand what they were saying in Dutch) that the train was terminating at that stop as well.  The train took off a little bit further and then came to a dead stop…it was only then that I realized I was the only person on the train.  I caught the conductor as he was about to get out and you can imagine the surprise on his face when he ran into me in the car.

He helped me crawl out of an emergency exit door and walked me across some tracks to get back to the platform.  The crawl up to the platform was not my most graceful moment at all.  I then had to run clear to the other end of the platform to catch the other train that had already arrived.  But other than that hiccup…the trip there was successful.

I got to spend about 5 hours in the city of Amsterdam.   Thanks to everyone who gave suggestions for the time I had there.  Unfortunately I did not get to visit the Anne Frank house, but I did wander all through the city and visited the Rijks and the Van Gogh museums.  I had wanted to visit the Heineken brewery as well, but I didn’t make it.  It started raining pretty bad once I left the Van Gogh museum so I grabbed a bite to eat and then did a little more wandering on the way back to the train station.  I did the obligatory walk through the red light district and stopped in a lot of different stores.  You guys were right, I was able to find the gag gift with no problem at all.

My train ride home lasted well over 4 hours.  They were working on the tracks so I had to divert across several different trains and some bus rides tossed in there.  I was pretty beat when I made it back to Middelburg.

Sunday, December 04, 2005


Can someone please let Gwen know that I found her next replacements for Love, Angel, Music, and Baby...

They are in Brugge, Belgium. Tell her not to worry her pretty little face. These girls have the wicked style she's looking for, just take a look at those fur-lined coats, for gripe's sake!

Friday, December 02, 2005

It's a Girl!!!

It's a bouncing baby girl!! YAY!

But we all knew that after her slip up on Jay Leno. Now, I couldn't quite make out the message that Ben left me on my cell phone (the international one)...but I think he said her name is Violet. That's not confirmed though until I can get a hold of Mrs. Affleck herself.

Well, it looks like I'm locked out of my work email account today. That will be about a 7 hour wait before i can get IT to let me back in. Looks like this will be a pretty productive morning!

You know, i've been coming to work at 8am every day here. It turns out, I thoroughly enjoy coming in at this time...and i especially love sitting down at a table every morning to eat breakfast prior to leaving for work. Who knows, maybe my early work mornings are now going to be a thing of the past. I would sign up for walking to work once i get back home, but I think that's a bit of a stretch...i cannot commit to that.

Thursday, December 01, 2005

Still Cold

Add raging winds to my list of weather complaints for my morning walk in today. Today I put on 3 pair of socks to help defrost my feet. I also have a camisole, a long sleeve shirt, and a sweater over that. I think we’re almost defrosted now. We’ll see what tomorrow’s weather slaps at me this time. I think tonight I am going to buy a pair of thermal pants to wear under my work pants. It is the official shopping night, you know!

I decided yesterday that I’m a much better employee in a taller building than this one. I only took in about 50% of what was said in a 2 hour meeting yesterday due to all of the boats passing by outside the window as well as the bikes and trains. The boats and trains kept sounding their horns…I clearly have a case of A.D.D. I really just wanted to be outside with my camera to grab pictures of the sailboats sailing in front of the windmill.

Who sails a boat in this kind of weather anyway? I also have seen rowing teams rowing through the canal outside of my hotel in the middle of the night…don’t they know that it’s dark and it’s freezing outside? I think I’d row my coach straight over into the water for that type of a practice.

Last night I went to the grocery market on the way home from the office. I was so excited to find a jar or fiery salsa made by Pringles! They do not have anything like tortilla chips, so I picked up a can of Pringles labeled Pringles Dippers. Turns out, the salsa was horrible (very sweet) and the chips where Thai Green Curry flavored…that’s a horrible combo for anyone who is considering trying it.

Here is a picture of the inside of de Mug. Voted best cafĂ© in the Netherlands. We spend a lot of time here…at least two week nights per week.