Wednesday, December 07, 2005

United Nations

Sungard has the united nations working here at the client currently.  There’s me (very obviously American), the Scottish girl, the Chinese Girl, and Francis who is Nigerian but now calls Geneva, Switzerland home.

Francis is very cool, he was here with me a few days last week as well.  He is about to hang up his work cap and head off to Barcelona to get his MBA degree.  He’s very interesting to talk to.

The Scot just got back from a project in Singapore.  She was only home in London for 12 hours prior to having to catch a flight to this project.  They were working from 7am to 2am each day in Singapore…she really needs a break.

The Chinese girl is attached to me like glue.  I cannot understand it.  Twice now while walking she has interlocked her arm into mine.  I have not witnessed her doing this to the Scottish girl…I find it very uncomfortable and quite strange.  Twice now I’ve walked straight toward a pole so that she has to let go.  Now I keep my arms tight down to my side while walking so that she does not have the opportunity to interlock arms at all.

She also walks at exactly the same speed as me.  I’ve been running some tests and when I slow down, she slows down…when I speed back up, she speeds back up.  I just can’t shake her.   She also walks right next to me.  I start veering out to the right, next thing I know she’s right next to me again hitting my arms.  So weird.  I do not like it.  A girl needs her personal space, you know?

The work days are getting much longer here, but the end is coming up very quickly.

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