Thursday, December 01, 2005

Still Cold

Add raging winds to my list of weather complaints for my morning walk in today. Today I put on 3 pair of socks to help defrost my feet. I also have a camisole, a long sleeve shirt, and a sweater over that. I think we’re almost defrosted now. We’ll see what tomorrow’s weather slaps at me this time. I think tonight I am going to buy a pair of thermal pants to wear under my work pants. It is the official shopping night, you know!

I decided yesterday that I’m a much better employee in a taller building than this one. I only took in about 50% of what was said in a 2 hour meeting yesterday due to all of the boats passing by outside the window as well as the bikes and trains. The boats and trains kept sounding their horns…I clearly have a case of A.D.D. I really just wanted to be outside with my camera to grab pictures of the sailboats sailing in front of the windmill.

Who sails a boat in this kind of weather anyway? I also have seen rowing teams rowing through the canal outside of my hotel in the middle of the night…don’t they know that it’s dark and it’s freezing outside? I think I’d row my coach straight over into the water for that type of a practice.

Last night I went to the grocery market on the way home from the office. I was so excited to find a jar or fiery salsa made by Pringles! They do not have anything like tortilla chips, so I picked up a can of Pringles labeled Pringles Dippers. Turns out, the salsa was horrible (very sweet) and the chips where Thai Green Curry flavored…that’s a horrible combo for anyone who is considering trying it.

Here is a picture of the inside of de Mug. Voted best cafĂ© in the Netherlands. We spend a lot of time here…at least two week nights per week.

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