Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Smarty Pants

Two new girls from Sungard joined the project yesterday.  I’ve met one of them a few times.  Her name is Corrie and she is Scottish.  Her accent is great.  The other girl is brand new to Sungard.  She is a young girl from China.  She’s working on her masters in some sort of quantitative finance field that makes my head hurt.  She’s here shadowing to learn the product Corrie works with.

She sat next to me yesterday evening and asked me to explain what I had been doing for the day.  I gave her the quick synopsis showing her how I was tying out numbers.  After a bit more explanation on my part she asked some question that sounded like “OH, do they independently determine the blah, blah, blah, blah, techno quantitative blah of the blah?”  To which I answered “Oh, and if you click this button…it creates a copy!  Isn’t that cool!?!”  I have no idea what kind of question she asked me, and the fact that the question before that one was “can you tell me what reconciliation means?”  well, I was thrown for a bit of a loop (or a Wee bit of a loop, as the Scottish girl would say).  Cute girl, but she’s a bit too smart for her own good in my opinion.  I think I’ll take her out drinking tonight.  Ha, just kidding.

I was a Wee bit of a bad host last night.  We ended up working too late, our computers were trying to explode.  They start popping up legal warnings after 6pm that you are breaking the law by working that late.  Well we tried leaving at 7pm and we couldn’t get out of the gates.  We had to stand outside in the cold for about 15 minutes.  The gate then magically opened on its own…I’m not sure why still, but I didn’t stick around to try and figure it out.  Today I’ve requested longer access hours on my security key.

After the gate incident I took them to a restaurant that I hadn’t been to yet.  I found a chicken dish on the menu!  I was so excited.  So I told them that I was planning to order the chicken meal!  It was then that little Liu pointed out that it was on the children’s menu.  See, way too smart for her own good.  Why is the only chicken dish in town only available on the children’s menu?  WHY?  I have seen chickens here, I know there are plenty of them.  Why can’t I get a chicken breast for dinner?!?

As you can probably tell from my lack of complaints this week, it has warmed up a Wee bit.  I was able to make up two new outfits this week so far!  It is a good week.  I didn’t have to select from sweaters number 1-5 to decide what to wear the last two days.  It’s great.

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