Friday, December 02, 2005

It's a Girl!!!

It's a bouncing baby girl!! YAY!

But we all knew that after her slip up on Jay Leno. Now, I couldn't quite make out the message that Ben left me on my cell phone (the international one)...but I think he said her name is Violet. That's not confirmed though until I can get a hold of Mrs. Affleck herself.

Well, it looks like I'm locked out of my work email account today. That will be about a 7 hour wait before i can get IT to let me back in. Looks like this will be a pretty productive morning!

You know, i've been coming to work at 8am every day here. It turns out, I thoroughly enjoy coming in at this time...and i especially love sitting down at a table every morning to eat breakfast prior to leaving for work. Who knows, maybe my early work mornings are now going to be a thing of the past. I would sign up for walking to work once i get back home, but I think that's a bit of a stretch...i cannot commit to that.

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