Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Wednesday Night i come!

Useless Information I’ve learned:

  • The Dutch are collectively known as being the nation with the tallest people. This is attributed to all of the milk and cheese that is consumed. I concur that there are a lot of towering people here…and there is a lot of cheese and milk being consumed.

  • Almost every Dutch person is a swimmer. There are supposedly pools everywhere and this is their favorite sport. I’ve yet to see any of these pools, or people claiming to be swimmers…but then again, it is winter time.

  • For a beer to be called a Tripel after the name means that the beer is at least 8% alcohol by volume, there are supposedly only 7 in the world (I doubt this counts microbrews). For the term Dubbel after the name, it has to be at least 6% alcohol by volume.

That’s all stuff that I’ve learned so far this week. I’m anxious to get back to the states and play trivia on Wednesday nights. I’m certain they will ask us a question about the Dutch people or beer.

I’ve sorted out my plans for this coming weekend, and I’m quite excited about them. My friend Peter has offered to drive me to Brugge, Belgium on Sunday so that frees up my Saturday to jump up to Amsterdam and check things out there. I have now found myself with only this weekend left to do exploring and I was worried that I’d have to stay overnight in Brugge in order to see it. This works out great though and I’m really looking forward to the weekend. I drank a Brugge Tripel last night in celebration of the plan!

The next weekend (dec 9th weekend) I will be back in London for my company holiday party…it’s sounding like a really good time. I need ideas for a secret santa gag gift for that, so if anyone has any ideas….throw them my way please.

After that, I’ll be home! Just in time for the 2 part rager graduation celebration and the beloved ornament exchange parties! I do love the holiday season.

On another note, I am not sure that I can add anymore layers of clothing to my person in order to stand the walk to work in the mornings. It just keeps getting more and more cold (and rainy). Yesterday we finally discovered that the heater does not work in the office I’m in, only after they walked in to find me shivering and blowing warm air into my ice blocks, um…I mean hands. I had just accepted that this is how things are, and never thought to question whether the heater was working. They’ve now brought in a space heater and I sit alone in the office with no windows with the door shut (in hopes that this will help the room heat up quicker).

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