Monday, November 14, 2005

Tango in Zeeland?

I began my adventure yesterday. My flight over went off without a hitch and after 2 train changes then an hour-long bus ride...i found myself in Middelburg. I've been informed that this is not Holland, but rather Zeeland. It's appropriate to say i'm in the's not appropriate to say i'm in Holland.

I was very excited to see that my hotel was in sight when the bus pulled into town. I am not sure if i brought more clothes than i needed...but i do know that i brought too much weight for that long of a journey. That got old really quick.

This town is beautiful...i saw the best sunset last night, followed by the best sunrise this morning. My hotel room overlooks a river. The room itself is hysterical. Think about that Geico commercial where it's the reality tv series in the tiny house. The only difference from that is that the ceiling is very tall in the room (i'm on the top is the best!). I think if this room were turned over on its side, it would be bigger.

I couldn't figure out the elevator in the i dragged my bag up the steepest stairs ever. I then realized the "lift" was actually quite easy to figure out. Go figure.

I took a recommendation from the guy here at the hotel for a local pub. I set off across the city and it is so beautiful. There is a huge market surrounding a huge government building (really old, i'll get more details to publish once i spend some time figuring out what it is). The guy told me there would be a live band playing at the pub. You can imagine my surprise when i finally find this pub and it happens to be the night that the Tango club is there.

Here is the link to the bar:

The owner was very cool (paul) and gave me free beers!
I got to laughing with the bartender about how I stumbled into Tango Central. He was making fun of the dancers. I met a couple that were as shocked as me when they got there. They were extremely nice. Nellie and Ludwig. Nellie looks exactly like Glen Close and she's taking me all around the country-side on sunday in her classic italian sports car.

They left and then the bartender's group of friends showed up. I ended up staying as they closed down the place and then we all went to play pool at another pub nearby. One of the friends looked like Dave Grohl from Foo Fighters...he said he gets that a lot, and that he hears Anthony K. from red hot chili peppers. He's right, i see both. The bartender's name is Tys (pronounced Tice)...there were 3 girls in the group. They were all a lot of fun. They took the time to write out all of the food recommendations and locations for me.

Everyone is extremely nice around here. I'm totally not worried about being alone now. My project is going to keep me very busy...there's a ton of work to do. I'm a bit nervous about some of the stuff i'm responsible. I need to hit my US coworkers up for some crash courses before i have to perform for the client.

The computer i'm using at the office is hysterical. It's all in Dutch, so i'm guessing at the menu items in Excel (i'm abuse the undo button, that's for sure). the worst was when i somehow got into split screen mode and that's not a function that you can "undo" That took a while. The computer has software installed on it that:

  1. Prevents you from working for 4 minutes if it detects that you are working too fast. I'm not kidding...if you are clicking the mouse and keyboard too quickly, it throws up this counter that keeps you from accessing the rest of the screen. You are supposed to go get coffee (or milk, they drink milk with everything here).
  2. Forces you to take a 20 minute break if you've been working for 2 hours straight. It's crazy. I'm astonished by it.

The only mishap so far is that i brought the wrong power converter. So my hair looks like crap, i can't recharge my ipod or camera. I can buy one, however this town closes down really i'll have to sneak away from the office or wait until the weekend. I also forgot the cord for transfering my photos from my camera...i will just pick up a memory card reader to take care of that problem. I promise to toss photos out here once i have that taken care of. My office overlooks an awesome Windmill...very cool.

Oh...and the new Madonna song is possibly played here more than it was in London...which is incredible as well.

Ok, hopefully the next blog will not be this long. Oh, and welcome to my blog...i've never given anyone the link before this.


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