Wednesday, November 16, 2005

City Shot

The city looks a lot like Amsterdam (from what i've heard and have seen in pictures...that is). There are a ton of canals intertwined through the whole city, and then it's bordered by a beach. I'm making my way to the beach this weekend.

I went to dinner tonight and saw the huge market being set up. I heard it's everything you can imagine at the market...from fresh produce to meats, textiles and art. I can't wait.

I also learned more about the warnings/required breaks at work. One of them, if you press on the other button that i have not pressed on...guides you through exercises to stretch out your different computer muscles. The other one is a legal warning that you've worked more than 8 hours and that's against the law. I believe that's when i thought the computer was going to blow up last night and today after 6pm. I love this town's work ethics. Good thing that computer can't tell how much work i'm doing at the hotel!

I love that first little house boat in the photo...they always have a fire burning (it's cold here) and it smells great!

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