Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Milk, it does a body good...

I’m still floundering through the lunch line each day…but I’m getting a little more confidence each time I walk down that little 20 ft. line.  Each day I have to put up a battle with a co-worker about drinking buttermilk with my lunch…I can’t think of many things that sound worse, to be quite honest.  Today I only got out of it by promising I would try it on a different day.  I wonder how long I can keep that up.

The selection for making ham and cheese sandwiches is top notch!  I cannot tell you how much I love the cheese here!  Man, it’s fresh.  They have every single kind you can imagine too, I haven’t had the same kind yet.  They even have a whole spread of cheese and hams at breakfast, it’s a bit strange.  

So far I’ve made a sandwich each day…there are about 4 baskets of every kind of fresh bread you can imagine and then the cheese and ham case that has types of both I’ve never even dreamt of (yes, I dream about cheese and ham a lot).  I have also had a small bowl of fruit and a small bowl of soup each day with my sandwich…the soups change daily and I haven’t been let down yet.  I then have the obligatory forced bite off of someone next to me’s plate.  The first day a guy made me try croquette, which tasted like a chicken fried steak with gravy all wrapped in what looks like an oversized fish-stick.

The second day I tried someone’s fried mussels.  Those were very good.  Are you catching on to the fried theme here though??  Today I tried someone’s Qwark…which is something between a cheese and yogurt…a bit like a cheesecake, but with a lot less calories.  Tomorrow I’m ditching the soup and going for the qwark.

I have a temporary new Nectar of the Gods.  They don’t serve Crown here, so it will have to be put on standby.  Today I found the holy grail hidden amongst all of the smoothie consistency drinks in the lunch line.  It was a DIET COKE!!  Oh Mary Mother…what a happy day!

The first comment to snap me out of my bliss was from the person next to me in line ‘A coke this early in the day!?’  HMPH!  It’s 12:30pm…now you go take your milk and find some cookies, then lay down for your midday nap.  Let me drink my coke in peace.  That didn’t happen though.

They don’t even have water available at lunch.  I’ve eaten lunch with no sort of beverage for the last two days…that’s a traveshamockery!  Even the water fountains are pretty useless…the cups you can use are the size of a mouthwash cup.  Now the coffee machine on the other hand…it could give the pepsi machine that just got drafted in the first round a run for its money!  I’m waiting for that thing to stick a hand out and slap me across the face.  If you want coffee, it will ask you how much milk and sugar it should put in it.  If you want hot milk (freaks about their milk)…it will ask you how hot and if you’d like chocolate in it.  It will then tell you your combination’s number in case you don’t want to go through the pick list next time.  There are even little trays so that you can carry several drinks back to all of your office mates.  Impressive stuff, I tell you.

I’m going to try to get to bed early tonight, because then it will be tomorrow faster…and that’s when I get to go to a store for the first time!!  Yahoo…

1 comment:

Unknown said...

blah. blah. blah...more strangers with their advertising.